If you operate a commercial vehicle, you’re most likely eligible to claim a portion of the fuel tax (excise or customs duty).
The Fuel Tax Act 2006 allows businesses to claim back some of the fuel excise for various commercial activities, including on-road, off-road and auxiliary usage
Accurately determining public and non-public road use with precision is a complex spatial analysis task. The ATO does not provide a definitive list of public and non-public roads or a single accepted methodology for calculation.
Fuel tax credits (FTC) is a rebate available to most commercial vehicles. Until now, the process of accurately calculating your FTC amount and ensuring compliance has been complex, uncertain and time intensive.
As a result many business have not been able to claim their full entitlement.
We can improve the qualify, accuracy and efficiency of your FTC calculations and outcomes using advanced GPS analytics and telematics data. Integrated with our telematics solution, set up and immediate use is very simple.
Our FTC solution is a purpose-built data analysis engine that connects with our telematics solution. It enables you to automate the complex analysis of vehicle activity data, captured through your telematics, and apportion fuel use to public and private roads.
Our FTC calculation service combines the PRISM engine with detailed mapping data covering the whole of Australia and FTC specific calculations executed automatically and at scale.
This means you get the most accurate FTC analysis available each month automatically, saving you time and money.